Mouth Ulcer Disease in Koi Fish: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Mouth Ulcer Disease in Koi Fish: Causes, ...

Koi fish is a beautiful and rare aquarium fish, which many people love to keep in the lake. However, koi fish are also very susceptible to diseases, including mouth ulcers. Mouth ulcers in koi fish not only affect aesthetics, but also endanger health or kill the fish. So what are mouth ulcers in koi? What are the causes, symptoms and treatment? Let's find out through the following article.
Why should koi pond design and construction meet standards?

Why should koi pond design and ...

Koi fish is an aquarium fish native to Japan, popularly farmed in the world for its flexible beauty, vibrant colors, and feng shui meaning. Koi fish not only make your living space more lively and fresh, but also bring luck, fortune, peace and happiness to the owner. However, in order to raise koi fish to be healthy and grow well, you need to have a standard koi aquarium, with factors such as shape, size, water level, filtration system, type of koi ... designed and ...


With its splendid beauty and variety of colors, Koi fish has become a symbol in the world of aquarium lovers. Although, originating from Japan, Koi fish have become popular and bred around the world, including Vietnam. When choosing to buy Koi fish, many people still wonder about the difference between Japanese and Vietnamese Koi fish. Here are some ways to differentiate between Japanese Koi fish and Vietnamese Koi:
How to distinguish the sex of koi fish

How to distinguish the sex of koi fish

Koi fish is a type of aquarium fish that is famous for its beauty and rich color variations. Sexting koi fish is not only important for reproductive control, but it also helps you build a well-balanced aquarium fish community. In this article, we'll learn about how to distinguish the sex of koi fish and what simple methods to accurately determine.
Benefits of Keeping Koi Fish in a Mud Pond

Benefits of Keeping Koi Fish in a Mud Pond

Breeding koi in mud ponds is a practice that is not only astonishing but also full of attractions . This not only brings an interesting angle in the art of fish farming but also creates values far beyond environmental protection as well as the benefits brought to Koi fish . Let's learn about the miraculous benefits of keeping koi fish in muddy ponds.
Turn Koi Pond into a Beautiful Garden with Decorative Rocks

Turn Koi Pond into a Beautiful Garden ...

The koi pond is not only a place to raise fish, but it can also become an interesting work of art in your garden. Using decorative stones can turn your koi aquarium into a unique accent and create a good habitat for fish. Let's explore the popular decorative stones for koi aquariums:
What plants to plant inside a koi pond? Learn the benefits of aquarium plants for koi pond

What plants to plant inside a koi pond? ...

To create a beautiful and perfect koi aquarium, choosing the right plants is crucial. Ornamental plants not only help increase the aesthetics of koi aquariums, but also have many other benefits for fish life such as: balancing the ecosystem in the aquatic environment, minimizing the growth of algae and moss. However, to plant plants for a koi aquarium, you need to know how to choose, care for and arrange plants in a reasonable and creative way. This article will introduce you to ...
Feng shui meaning of koi aquarium

Feng shui meaning of koi aquarium

Koi Aquarium is one of the most popular feng shui symbols in Vietnam. Koi fish are fish with a long lifespan, good health, and vibrant colors. Therefore, it is believed that raising Koi fish will bring luck, fortune and health to the homeowner. Here are some feng shui meanings of koi aquariums:
Koi protruding eyes- causes, signs and treatment

Koi protruding eyes- causes, signs and ...

Koi fish are sensitive species and are very susceptible to diseases due to external conditions. Protruding eye disease is one of the most susceptible diseases in koi fish if the water environment is not guaranteed. To learn more about protrusion in fish and how to treat it, you can refer to the article below.
Scaly ruffling disease in koi

Scaly ruffling disease in koi

Scaly disease in koi fish in English is called Dropsy. This is one of the diseases that people who love and are passionate about raising koi fish need to know to prevent the disease. Rough scale disease often appears in koi fish, can spread, and is very dangerous to the health of koi fish in your lake. Here are some basic information and how to prevent scab disease that we would like to share with you, hopefully it will help your koi care process!
Koi Goromo- Beauty attracts all eyes

Koi Goromo- Beauty attracts all eyes

With its signature colors that offer a unique beauty and attract the attention of all eyes, it's no surprise to say that Goromo is becoming a top choice for koi lovers. Let's discover the beauty of this koi fish!
Ki Utsuri – A symbol of sophistication and beauty in the world of Koi fish

Ki Utsuri – A symbol of sophistication ...

Ki Utsuri koi fish is one of the most beautiful and unique Koi fish breeds in the world of Koi fish. With its delicate and attractive appearance, the Ki Utsuri Koi fish has conquered many Koi lovers around the world. Today, let's learn about this special fish with Quhaku Koi Farm.