Feng shui meaning of koi aquarium

Koi Aquarium is one of the most popular feng shui symbols in Vietnam. Koi fish are fish with a long lifespan, good health, and vibrant colors. Therefore, it is believed that raising Koi fish will bring luck, fortune and health to the homeowner. Here are some feng shui meanings of koi aquariums:

  1.   Symbolizes good luck and prosperity: Koi fish (also known as carp) is seen as a symbol of luck, prosperity and success in life.
  2.   Boosts positive energy: Koi fish have bright and vibrant colors, making koi ponds a source of positive energy in the space. The refreshing color of koi fish can also contribute to energy balance and provide a sense of relaxation.
  3.   Create harmony for the space: Koi ponds create an element of contrast with the surroundings, bringing harmony and fun to the landscape. The sound of water and the movement of fish can also create a peaceful and relaxed space.
  4.   Attract fortune and prosperity: Koi fish are often associated with fortune and prosperity in feng shui. In Asian cultures, koi fish are considered a symbol of wealth and wealth.
  5.   Overcoming bad energy: Koi ponds also have the ability to attract and absorb bad energy in space, helping to calm negative factors and create better conditions for prosperity and well-being.
  6.   Stimulates creative energy: The vibrancy and color of koi fish can stimulate creativity and optimism in the observer.


However, to take advantage of the feng shui meaning of koi aquariums, you need to consider other factors such as the location and direction of the lake, the shape of the lake, the color of the koi, and the overall design of the area.

Location of Koi aquarium:

Koi aquarium is a feng shui item that brings luck and fortune to the homeowner. However, placing a Koi aquarium is not simple. You need to choose the location of the Koi aquarium in accordance with feng shui to bring the best effect.


Here is the meaning of Koi aquarium placement in feng shui:

  • Southeast: This is the direction that symbolizes fortune and prosperity. If you put the Koi aquarium in this direction, then the Koi aquarium will help you attract a lot of fortune and prosperity to your family.
  • North: This direction symbolizes career and fame. If you put the Koi aquarium in this direction, then the Koi aquarium will help you advance in your work and achieve a lot of success in your career.
  • West: This is the direction that symbolizes love and marriage. If you place the Koi aquarium in this direction, then the Koi aquarium will help you have a happy and fulfilling married life.
  • South: This is the direction that symbolizes health and longevity. If you place the Koi aquarium in this direction, then the Koi aquarium will help you to have a good health and long life.

In addition, you also need to pay attention to the shape of the Koi aquarium. Koi aquarium should be round or oval, these are shapes that bring fullness and perfection. You should also not place Koi ponds in locations with many trees around, this will cause the flow of water to be obstructed and bring bad things to the owner.

 Koi aquarium shape:

The shape of the koi aquarium in feng shui has its own importance, contributing to the energy and meaning of the space. Here are some koi aquarium shapes and their corresponding feng shui meanings:

-         Round or Oval: Koi ponds with a round or oval shape often symbolize completeness, unity, and alignment. This shape often brings positive energy and harmony in life.

-         Thunder or S-Shape: Koi ponds that are shaped like thunder or S-shape often have the meaning of motivation, change, and dynamism. This shape represents continuous progress and development.

-         Raspberry shape (Cloverleaf): The raspberry-shaped koi pond is often associated with the meaning of luck, wealth and fortune. In particular, this shape is often associated with creating a stream of fortune for the homeowner.

-         Triangle: The triangular lake usually involves a balance between three elements: principle, possibility, and reality. This figure can symbolize patience and the ability to overcome challenges.

-         Hexagon: The hexagon usually represents the connection between the six corners of life. This is the shape that corresponds to alignment and variety.

-         Creatures (such as dragons, sea monsters, ,..): Similar to koi pond shapes, creature shapes often carry meanings of power, potential, and mystique. Choosing this shape can create a strong and dramatic energy.

Colors of Koi fish in feng shui:

In feng shui, each color of koi fish has its own unique meaning, affecting the energy and meaning of the koi aquarium. Here are the feng shui meanings of the main colors of koi:

·        Red (Hi): Red signifies enthusiasm, luck, and love. Red koi fish often symbolizes passionate love and positive energy. The color red is also related to good fortune and fortune in feng shui.

·        White (White): White symbolizes purity, purity, and mental tranquility. White koi fish are often associated with perfection and noble spirits.

·        Yellow (Kigoi): Yellow is a symbol of wealth, fortune, and prosperity. The yellow koi fish is often considered a symbol of prosperity and fortune in feng shui.

·        Blue (Midorigoi): Blue represents sublimation and freshness. The blue koi fish can symbolize positive change, recovery, and balance in life.

·        Black (Kumonryu): Black often symbolizes mystery, power, and potential. Black koi fish can be associated with overcoming difficulties and challenges.

·        Orange (Orenji): Orange is often associated with excitement, creativity, and excitement. Orange koi fish can generate positive energy and enhance creative spirit.

·        Brown (Chagoi): Brown symbolizes stability, sustainability, and patience. Brown koi fish can show patience and the ability to overcome difficulties.

The number of koi fish in the lake according to feng shui:

The number of Koi fish in the lake is also important. It is believed that the number 9 is the lucky number, so Koi aquariums usually have 9 fish. However, you can also raise different numbers of Koi fish, as long as the number of fish is odd.

There is also a way to determine the number of fish that should be kept in your koi aquarium is to rely on your destiny:

-         Destiny Moc; It is recommended to keep 3 or 8 cubs

-         Earth Destiny: it is recommended to raise 5 or 10 animals

-         Venus: should have 4 or 9 children

-         Destiny: should raise 1 or 6 children

-         Fire Destiny: should have 2 or 7 children

Koi fish are very beautiful and easy to care for. If you want to raise Koi fish to bring good luck to your family, pay attention to the above to have a beautiful and reasonable feng shui Koi aquarium.