Benefits of Keeping Koi Fish in a Mud Pond

Benefits of Keeping Koi Fish in a Mud Pond

Breeding koi in mud ponds is a practice that is not only astonishing but also full of attractions . This not only brings an interesting angle in the art of fish farming but also creates values far beyond environmental protection as well as the benefits brought to Koi fish . Let's learn about the miraculous benefits of keeping koi fish in muddy ponds.
Koi Goromo- Beauty attracts all eyes

Koi Goromo- Beauty attracts all eyes

With its signature colors that offer a unique beauty and attract the attention of all eyes, it's no surprise to say that Goromo is becoming a top choice for koi lovers. Let's discover the beauty of this koi fish!
Ki Utsuri – A symbol of sophistication and beauty in the world of Koi fish

Ki Utsuri – A symbol of sophistication ...

Ki Utsuri koi fish is one of the most beautiful and unique Koi fish breeds in the world of Koi fish. With its delicate and attractive appearance, the Ki Utsuri Koi fish has conquered many Koi lovers around the world. Today, let's learn about this special fish with Quhaku Koi Farm.
Training instructions for bold Koi fish

Training instructions for bold Koi fish

Raising Koi fish is not just about feeding and breeding them, but also about training them so that they become more friendly and easy to care for. Feeding Koi fish not only helps them develop life skills, but also brings many other benefits in the farming process.


Koi farming is one of the interesting hobbies, bringing a lot of joy and luck to the owner. However, releasing new fish into the lake is not a simple task but requires careful preparation to ensure the health and good development of the fish. So what can be done to make sure your Koi are safe when you go to your new home? In this article, Quhaku Koi Farm will share important notes to help you release new koi into the lake in the safest and most effective way. Let's ...
KOI KOHAKU – The beauty of simplicity and sophistication.

KOI KOHAKU – The beauty of simplicity and ...

Koi fish hobby has been thriving in many Vietnamese families today. With a striking appearance, harmoniously intertwined between delicate white and splendid red, Kohaku is considered one of the types of Japanese carp that brings high aesthetics. In this article, Quhaku Koi Farm will fully introduce to readers the origin, identification characteristics, and classification of Koi Kohaku fish.


Microbiology is one of the effective means of supporting koi fish care on hot summer days. Microbiology can help improve water quality and support the health of fish. Microbial products containing beneficial microorganisms such as Bacillus subtilis, Lactobacillus acidophilus, and Streptococcus faecalis can be used. Here is some information about the effects, how to use, and precautions when using probiotics for koi fish in summer.
Prevention for Japanese Koi | Treating KOI FISH ponds when it rains

Prevention for Japanese Koi | Treating ...

The North is in a seasonal weather, erratic rain and sunshine, fishermen should pay attention to their Koi aquariums. QUHAKU Fish Farm would like to share some experiences and methods to help fishermen deal with it in time when it rains in Koi Lake to avoid unnecessary risks for their beloved Koi fish!
How to choose a beautiful Koi fish

How to choose a beautiful Koi fish

According to the Japanese concept, Koi fish is an ornamental fish that increases the aesthetics of the house, shows sophistication, class and brings luck and fortune to the homeowner. In order for Koi fish to bring the best benefits, players should choose Koi fish that are healthy, have a beautiful body, beautiful and eye-catching colors, and have a clear origin. Quhaku would like to share some experiences with players on how to choose beautiful and standard Koi fish
The basics of caring for Koi fish

The basics of caring for Koi fish

About 10 years ago, the movement of playing and raising Koi fish in Vietnam began to develop, so far it has almost entered the lives of many families because Koi fish is also feng shui, bringing luck, fortune and prosperity to homeowners, especially families with conditions.