Why should koi pond design and construction meet standards?

Why should koi pond design and ...

Koi fish is an aquarium fish native to Japan, popularly farmed in the world for its flexible beauty, vibrant colors, and feng shui meaning. Koi fish not only make your living space more lively and fresh, but also bring luck, fortune, peace and happiness to the owner. However, in order to raise koi fish to be healthy and grow well, you need to have a standard koi aquarium, with factors such as shape, size, water level, filtration system, type of koi ... designed and ...
Turn Koi Pond into a Beautiful Garden with Decorative Rocks

Turn Koi Pond into a Beautiful Garden ...

The koi pond is not only a place to raise fish, but it can also become an interesting work of art in your garden. Using decorative stones can turn your koi aquarium into a unique accent and create a good habitat for fish. Let's explore the popular decorative stones for koi aquariums:
What plants to plant inside a koi pond? Learn the benefits of aquarium plants for koi pond

What plants to plant inside a koi pond? ...

To create a beautiful and perfect koi aquarium, choosing the right plants is crucial. Ornamental plants not only help increase the aesthetics of koi aquariums, but also have many other benefits for fish life such as: balancing the ecosystem in the aquatic environment, minimizing the growth of algae and moss. However, to plant plants for a koi aquarium, you need to know how to choose, care for and arrange plants in a reasonable and creative way. This article will introduce you to ...
Feng shui meaning of koi aquarium

Feng shui meaning of koi aquarium

Koi Aquarium is one of the most popular feng shui symbols in Vietnam. Koi fish are fish with a long lifespan, good health, and vibrant colors. Therefore, it is believed that raising Koi fish will bring luck, fortune and health to the homeowner. Here are some feng shui meanings of koi aquariums:


Rain is one of the inevitable weather factors and also one of the causes of many harmful effects on Koi aquariums. After a heavy rainfall, the water quality in your Koi pond can be severely affected and cause health problems for your fish. The treatment of water in the lake after rain is very important! So how to properly treat the water in a Koi aquarium after rain? Join Quhaku Koi Farm to find out effective treatment methods to maintain water quality and keep your Koi fish ...
Cleaning, care and maintenance of Koi aquarium

Cleaning, care and maintenance of Koi ...

Cleaning fish and leftover food waste: A sign of detecting this situation is when the lake water is cloudy. This increases the number of bacteria that reside there, causing harm and affecting the health of the fish. Therefore, it is necessary to change the water periodically to ensure that the water source is not contaminated. Cleaning the filter and draining the water: periodically rinse, clean the filter, and drain the water to prevent bacteria from entering the ...
Standard Koi aquarium design

Standard Koi aquarium design

Design an indoor Koi aquarium with a minimum water level of 40 cm. The minimum outdoors is 60 cm. The water quality should be clear, algae-free, disease-free, and a pH of 7 to 7.5 is ideal. In addition, the water is always circulating to help the fish move to grow better.
Plants to plant in a Koi aquarium

Plants to plant in a Koi aquarium

  To create a beautiful, luxurious and well-groomed Koi lake space, the selection of plants for decoration plays an important role. On the other hand, when choosing plants, it is important to consider choosing the right plant because some plants can be polluting or toxic to fish. 1. Pine tree It is a typical tree in Japanese standard Koi lakes, with ancient, classy and poetic beauty. However, it is difficult to access this plant because of their expensive ...