Mouth Ulcer Disease in Koi Fish: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Mouth Ulcer Disease in Koi Fish: Causes, ...

Koi fish is a beautiful and rare aquarium fish, which many people love to keep in the lake. However, koi fish are also very susceptible to diseases, including mouth ulcers. Mouth ulcers in koi fish not only affect aesthetics, but also endanger health or kill the fish. So what are mouth ulcers in koi? What are the causes, symptoms and treatment? Let's find out through the following article.
Koi protruding eyes- causes, signs and treatment

Koi protruding eyes- causes, signs and ...

Koi fish are sensitive species and are very susceptible to diseases due to external conditions. Protruding eye disease is one of the most susceptible diseases in koi fish if the water environment is not guaranteed. To learn more about protrusion in fish and how to treat it, you can refer to the article below.
Scaly ruffling disease in koi

Scaly ruffling disease in koi

Scaly disease in koi fish in English is called Dropsy. This is one of the diseases that people who love and are passionate about raising koi fish need to know to prevent the disease. Rough scale disease often appears in koi fish, can spread, and is very dangerous to the health of koi fish in your lake. Here are some basic information and how to prevent scab disease that we would like to share with you, hopefully it will help your koi care process!
Scale rot in koi

Scale rot in koi

Scaly rot is one of the common pathologies in Koi fish, causing rot marks on the skin and scales of the fish. This disease can cause serious damage to fish and can cause fish death if not treated promptly . Today let's learn with QUHAKU KOI FARM about the causes and treatment when Koi fish experience symptoms of scab rot .


The discoloration of Koi fish not only affects aesthetics, but can also be a sign of their poor health. A bright and brightly colored Koi fish usually indicates that it is in good condition and in good health. However, when Koi fish lose color, it may be a sign of problems such as infection, stress or habitat problems... In this article, let's take a deep dive into the causes and how to fix the discoloration problem in Koi!
Koi fish louse

Koi fish louse

Fish lice are one of the common problems in Koi, especially during the hot summer. This not only annoys your beloved fish, but also causes serious health problems. Therefore, the prevention and treatment of fish lice is very important to keep your aquarium in top condition. In this article, we will learn about fish lice in koi and how to prevent and treat them effectively. Let's find out!
How to recognize early when koi fish are sick

How to recognize early when koi fish are sick

Koi fish are quite sensitive and susceptible to diseases if living conditions are not guaranteed. Early detection of sick fish and timely treatment will ensure the health of fish and other fish in the lake. If your fish is experiencing the symptoms below then it is very likely that your Koi is sick. Monitor and handle those issues now
Signs of early recognition of Koi fish disease

Signs of early recognition of Koi fish ...

In the process of raising Koi fish, it is necessary to observe and note some outstanding characteristics as follows: 1.        There is a lot of foam on the face. There is a layer of scum on the face, the water smells fishy and smells worse than usual. The fish stopped eating, reddened, red streaks on the skin and body, fins, scales. The fish are closed fins, concentrated at the bottom near the outflow area and near the ...