Training instructions for bold Koi fish

Raising Koi fish is not just about feeding and breeding them, but also about training them so that they become more friendly and easy to care for. Feeding Koi fish not only helps them develop life skills, but also brings many other benefits in the farming process.

Benefits of training people for fish:

Training human fish makes them more friendly to humans and easier to care for and control. In addition, when training human fish, they will also develop necessary life skills such as foraging, coping with new environments and promoting health. This also makes Koi farming easier and more efficient.


Instructions on how to train your Koi fish to become bold:

1. Adjustment and treatment of water quality in the lake:

Before proceeding to train koi more boldly, maintaining the health of koi is a prerequisite. The ideal aquatic environment will create conditions for koi to become bolder quickly.

The water in your aquarium plays an important role in creating habitats and providing nutrients, helping your fish grow faster and get less susceptible to diseases. When water conditions are guaranteed, your koi will easily develop survival skills and will also become more bold. Therefore, the lake water should always be in an ideal condition, witha lot of moss and algae that can suffocate fish and make it difficult for them to swim and function. Therefore, cleaning, treating, and keeping koi pond water clear and clean regularly is essential to create a holistic growing environment for your fish.

New fish are still shy and have not adapted to the new environment, for the adaptation process to take place better, you need to keep the water temperature between 25-30°C and pH at 7.0-7.5. In addition, you can treat the water by salting at a rate of no more than 2kg/m3 and adding probiotics to the fish at the manufacturer's recommended rate. This will help the fish to be sedative and quickly adapt to the new aquarium environment.

2. Practice feeding fish by hand:

Feeding your koi by hand should be done slowly if they are not used to close contact with you. Newly purchased Koi are quite timid and shy, so you should let the fish get used to your presence by regularly appearing at the aquarium slowly and gently. Next, let the fish fast for a few short days, about 3-5 days. Then put a minimum amount of food in the palm of your hand and introduce it slowly into the water, starting from a safe distance. If koi don't come right away, try to stay calm and wait for them to arrive. After a period of not being fed, 1 or 2 Koi will swim up and start eating and the rest of the fish will follow. Continue to let the food drift slowly from your hands until the amount of food that you need to feed them daily.



Patientlyrepeat this over and over again for a few weeks so that the fish are aware that you will give them food every time you approach the lake. After the fish has gradually gotten used to your appearance, for the next few weeks, hold the food in your hand and dip it lightly in the water. Hold your hand like this and don't move, and later you'll see some Koi start to move towards your hand in search of food. When they eat, you need to limit making loud noises and sudden movements, which will make the fish run away in fear and have a defensive mentality. Be patient with this action for a few weeks, Koi will form a habit when you extend your hand, they will have food and gradually become more bolder


Note: When feeding koi fish by hand, make sure that you have washed your hands and that there are no chemicals on your hands. In addition, use specialized feed to ensure the health of koi fish.


Getting your Koi fish to roam is not difficult. The most important thing is that you need to be persistent to make them a habit . Hopefully, the Koi training method that Quahaku has shared will help you quickly make friends with your fish